Photograph by Holly Jolliffe
We are pleased to be able to offer an exciting collaboration between Printed Space and Cassini Maps. Vintage mapping dating back to the early 1800's can now be printed to any size onto any of our products.
Cassini create historical World, European, County and street maps dating back to the 1800s. They have been digitally enhanced and match exactly present-day OS Landranger® maps … There has never been a better way of discovering the landscapes of the past!
Printed Space can now reproduce Cassini's vintage mapping on to any of our products to fit any size wall, floor or window space. Historical Mapping is available by UK and Irish Town, County or Post Code area in a number of different dates ranging from 1805 to 1948.
Vintage data for a number of European and other International Cities is also available. If you don't find the area you are looking for in the Cassini collection, please contact our team with your requirements and we will email you a proof for you to check before ordering.
These unique old style maps are perfect for creating stylish feature walls and floors for the home, the office and commercial spaces.
Here we have selected a range of the most popular London maps and UK city maps for you to buy as a canvas print, acrylic art or wall mural, Please contact us if you require a tailor made size or an alternative UK / Ireland mapping area.
For vintage style Floorink enquiries and prices please email : jason@floorink.com
Vintage city map c1805-1874 printed onto Pre-Pasted Wallpaper
364cms wide x 250cms high (142" wide x 98" high)
Price: £270 (ex Vat) worldwide delivery available
Quote "History" at checkout
Vintage city map c1897-1910 printed onto Pre-Pasted Wallpaper
364cms wide x 250cms high (142" wide x 98" high)
Price: £270 (ex Vat) worldwide delivery available
Quote "History" at checkout
Vintage city map c1891 printed onto Pre-Pasted Wallpaper
364cms wide x 250cms high (142" wide x 98" high)
Price: £270 (ex Vat) worldwide delivery available
Quote "History" at checkout
Vintage city map (Black&White) c1891 printed onto Pre-Pasted Wallpaper
364cms wide x 250cms high (142" wide x 98" high)
Price: £270 (ex Vat) worldwide delivery available
Quote "History" at checkout
Vintage city map c1919-1926 printed onto Pre-Pasted Wallpaper
364cms wide x 250cms high (142" wide x 98" high)
Price: £270 (ex Vat) worldwide delivery available
Quote "History" at checkout
Vintage city map c1945-1948 printed onto Pre-Pasted Wallpaper
364cms wide x 250cms high (142" wide x 98" high)
Price: £270 (ex Vat) worldwide delivery available
Quote "History" at checkout
The nature of how the old maps were created does mean that sometimes an obvious seam can be seen in the wall mural, acrylic or canvas print where different maps have been joined together to create a larger area for printing. Our artwork department try to rectify these as much as possible, but it is inevitable in some cases that a join is obvious. Cassini mapping explain further :
"As well as problems of different scales and projections, each mapping series was produced using its own sheet sizes and shapes. Sometimes these were square, sometimes rectangular. We scanned all the maps, being careful to find ones in good condition with no folds or creases, and then cut them down to the frame edge. Theoretically, they could then be joined together to form a vast seamless sheet .
Unfortunately, the edges rarely matched exactly. Particularly with the older maps, one sheet might have been produced using a different projection or point of origin from its neighbour. Some sheets had overlaps between them, which needed to be trimmed off. Furthermore, two adjoining sheets may have been surveyed by different people at different times, using different standards of accuracy, cartographic conventions and instructions as to what to include (no map can ever include everything). In a few cases, the surveyors made errors, with a road suddenly stopping at a sheet join, or continuing but from a different position.
In short, the maps were never designed to be joined up, and we were the first people to attempt to do this with the one-inch sheets. Although there are some problems, the overwhelming impression is of a stunning level of accuracy – and this without computers, vans to carry the equipment, GPS technology or even, in the case of the first maps, any previous maps to work from.
What about the railways? Sometimes a line suddenly stops half-way across the sheet.
This is mainly a problem with the Old Series, the first one-inch series surveyed by Ordnance Survey. So massive was the task that it took over 70 years to complete. When it began, in 1805, railways hadn't even been invented; when it was completed, in 1874, the rail network covered virtually every corner of the country. The surveyors were overtaken by the navvies.
All our maps created for printing involve combining various original sheets. These were often quite small and so it's not uncommon for parts of eight different originals to have been used, and sometimes more. These original sheets were never designed to be joined up and were often produced at different times, printed on different machines and stored in different places in varying conditions. These days, consistency and accuracy across a series of maps is taken very seriously and modern technology can help ensure that colours are the same for Land's End as they are for John o'Groats. No such standards existed in the 19th and early 20th century. Also, some of the maps we scanned are over 200 years old, and small variations in light and humidity can cause changes to the inking. In some cases, these variations were beyond our power to correct and we sourced alternative sheets. In others, the variations didn't become clear until we started to join them up. We've done our best to smooth out the worst inconsistencies but sometimes this would have been impossible without distorting some other aspect of the map"
We will always send you an order confirmation before printing so you can see the overall artwork for yourself to check you are happy. We feel these little inconsistencies however do add to the charm of these historical reproductions and enhance the vintage feel!